Friday, November 28, 2008

The Morning After

I woke up to a kitchen half-cleaned. Gravy congealed in a bowl. Mashed potatoes stuck to an abandoned pan. An unstuffed turkey carcass. An overstuffed dishwasher that needs emptying. And piles of rinsed dishes waiting to be loaded.

After spending 1.5 hours cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner, my sister and I simply lost interest, and at 12:30 a.m, we went to be bed.

And so it goes this morning, Thanksgiving Cleanup, Part Two. But first, I'll brew some coffee, slice up a piece of yummy pumpkin pie (which always tastes better for breakfast, doesn't it?) and then tackle the kitchen -- AGAIN!

And where's the alien in this picture? Sleeping soundly in bed. Sometimes I wish I were a teenager again.

Maria and I are spending the holiday weekend with our families, so we won't be posting for the next few days. But you'll be seeing a lot "more" of us next week, thanks to that 4,000-calorie dinner yesterday.

Have fun with your families!

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