Thursday, July 23, 2009

Off To BlogHer!!

See You Soon!!!


Palymama said...

We did not get together at Blogher! What did you do? See? Who did you hang with? I saw Maria there several times and she said you were there. I am very sorry we didn't connect. Blogworld?

Lynn said...


I know!! I meant to contact you before I left to make sure we hooked up, but time got away from me. BlgHer was crazy-packed, wasn't it? It was almost too big, if you ask me. I have been a very negligent blogger of late. I moved up to Northern California the first of August, and I have been busy getting settled. Still so much to do. But a day doesn't go by that I don't feel guilty about not blogging. I'll be back at it soon. Thanks for poking your head in.